Benefits of Organic Clothes

Even with our understanding of the negative impact that a modern lifestyle has on the earth, making a move to commit to sustainable living choices is not the easiest thing to do. Although, a larger number of communities and organizations are trying hard to become more eco-friendly. For example, wind power is getting to be more common-place. If you think about it, there are many simple things that ordinary people can adopt to benefit the environment. One possible thing is to purchase organic clothing.

There is a chance that you are familiar with the concept of organic food, but you are not so exposed to organic clothing. What do we mean by it? When we think about organic crops, we mean those that don’t add chemical pesticides to the soil and water. This helps maintain biodiversity within the ecosystem.

Cotton is the most common clothing fiber, and it also happens to be the crop with the biggest environmental footprint. Did you know that one quarter of pesticides used globally are used for growing cotton?

On the other hand, organic cotton is harvested without using chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Rather, the cotton is grown through natural methods. More organic fabrics such as soy and bamboo are also good natural fibers for organic clothing.

An important benefit of organic clothing should be the fact that it is very easy on your skin. Since the clothing fibers are lacking any traces of dangerous chemicals, they won’t trigger skin reactions. Furthermore, bamboo fabric is naturally resistant to bacteria.

English: Organic cotton yarn.

 Organic cotton yarn. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we support organic clothing, we reduce the amount of pollutants finding their way into the environment. Unsustainable farming causes untold amounts of harmful chemicals to penetrate the earth and pass along to the water. This is a growing source of health problems in these times. But if we opt for organic apparel, we will be helping the efforts of organic agriculture which don’t damage the environment.

Some organic clothing fabrics such as bamboo and hemp are very durable. They still look great after numerous wash cycles and last longer than chemically-grown fibers.

Anytime we decide to wear environmentally responsible clothes, we are helping make life better for all the farmers who grow textile crops. Their homes and families are free from an exposure to a dangerous build up of chemicals that originates from non-organic farming practices.

Considering all of these advantages, we can expect to see more and more clothing manufacturers are shifting over to producing organic clothing.